barangay 1 profile

Barangay 1 Profile- San Pablo St.
Barangay Chairman : Reynaldo K. Reyes

Population608 26961354134210050.249.8
Average household size4       
Children 0-5 years old23839.134819914912.914.711.1
Children 6-12 years old2313834417916512.813.212.3
Members 13-16 years old164272201081128.288.3
Members 6-16 years old30650.356428727720.921.220.6
Members 10 years old and above60810021601055110580.177.982.3
Members of the labor force57594.6108462446040.246.134.3
Health and Nutrition
children 0-5 year old who died 00000000
 women who died due to pregnancy related-causes 000  0  
malnourished children 0-5 year old72.9743222
households living in makeshift housing6126151111.10.8
households who are squatters193.18348353.13.52.6
Water and Sanitation
households without access to safe water203.310555503.94.13.7
households without access to sanitary toilet facility538.72271151128.48.58.3
Basic Education
children 6-12 years old not attending elementary6628.681453623.525.121.8
children 13-16 years old not attending high school7042.782483437.344.430.4
Income and Livelihood
households with income below poverty threshold13321.969635933725.826.525.1
households with income below food threshold599.730115115011.211.211.2
households experienced food shortage142.17440342.732.5
Unemployed members of the labor force91.69630.810.7
Peace and Order
Victims of crime10.2101000.1